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About Artist

金寶‧旺楚克(Gyempo Wangchuk)出生於不丹東部小鎮Trashi Yangtse,2007年就讀不丹傳統工藝訓練學院(Bhutanese Traditional Arts and Crafts Training Institute),接受六年嚴謹而紮實的唐卡繪畫、雕塑造像等訓練;金寶卓越的天分難掩鋒芒,他繪製的唐卡曾連續兩年得到不丹全國首獎,讓他贏得了「不丹唐卡鬼才」的美名

Gyempo Wangchuk was born in the small town of Trashi Yangtse in eastern Bhutan. In 2007, he enrolled in the Bhutanese Traditional Arts and Crafts Training Institute, where he underwent rigorous training for six years in Thangka painting, sculpture, and other traditional crafts. Despite the strict and solid training, Gyempo's exceptional talent shone through. The Thangkas he painted received the national award in Bhutan for two consecutive years, earning him the prestigious title of "Bhutanese Thangka Prodigy."

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